Natura Cosmeticos SA, a famous brazilian firm, is part of the 10 nominees, for its 2012 sustainable report, as the Best Integrated report of the 2014 CR Reporting Awards held by Corporate Register.
According to Corporate Register, an integrated report includes financial and non-financial aspects throughout, it does not just include a section on non-financial aspects. These integrated reports should reflect to what extent companies integrate CSR practices as day-to-day business and not only as an additional activity.
Natura Cosmeticos SA, has always been very much involved in sustainability, basing its development on Brazilian natural resources as source of inspiration and natural ingredients. Since 2010, Natura Cosmeticos SA is member of the Union for Ethical BioTrade among other initiatives and is committed to sustainable natural resources management through the implementation of a Biodiversity management system. “Natura’s strategy is to make sustainability one of the main vectors of innovation and generation of new business by means of solutions that create shared value for its entire relationship network.” Read more about Natura’s reports here and about its work towards UEBT commitment here.
Being nominated in this CR Reporting Awards is not an end but shows to what extent companies’ CR reports reach the international CSR community. Coporate Register and its international community might miss some innovative initiatives, but making sure that more and more companies are seen by this community might give more and more weigh to CSR practices and reporting. CSR practices is a comprehensive approach, that should integrate SHE (Security, Hygiene and Environment), sourcing and quality practices, among others.